3/31/2010 - Southwestern Intl. Raceway, Tucson, AZ
We headed out to Tucson confident we had the bike figured out based on how things went in Vegas.

First round of qualifying was interesting. As soon as I let the clutch fly the bike died. Exactly what happened in Phoenix, twice. After some tinkering and major changes to the clutch we headed back for second round of qualifying. To my amazement we made it off the line but were caught by heavy winds and pushed towards the wall so I clicked it off. Third round of qualifying came and we were ready for the wind this time. I let the clutch fly and off we went. The pass was not all that bad and we ran an 8.65. Not exactly what I expected but there were some issues at the hit. We got back to the trailer and made another change and things were ready for Saturday's qualifying runs.

We went up for our first hit of Saturday. It was a nice morning, cool and no wind at all. I let the clutch fly and down the track we went. I figured we should run nothing less than an 8.56 and to my surprise we actually ran better, 8.54. As far as I was concerned that was it as far as changes went. We made a couple more passes Saturday and things were good. We got the bike ready for Sunday's elimination rounds.

So of course I am paired up with Tony Pellettera. Not that it was a bad thing but it always sucks to pair up first round with someone from your home town but it is what it is. So I do what I normally do, turn on the RacePak, get ready and stage. As soon as my lights activate I let the clutch fly....and nothing, bike gos nowhere quickly. Then it hits me...I never put the bike in first gear after the burnout, so Tony goes on to the next round.

Things obviously turned out well for Tony. As we were on our way back home I was getting updates from my wife as to what was tasking place back in Tucson. Tony was ripping through the remainder of the field and ended up winning the event. Nice job Tony!

I would also like to take a minute to thank Gary Oaks and Jordan Miclette for all of the help, especially Jordan. Jordan was doing double duty helping me and a friend of his from his home town. This is something that has always impressed me about the people involved with drag racing. No matter the situation they will always lend a hand if they are able. Thanks guys.
3/6/2010 - Wicked HP The Strip, Las Vegas, NV
We decided to go to the first event of the season in Las Vegas, NV to get the bike set up in preparation for the second division event in Tucson, AZ at the end of the month. With only the intention of testing we ended up going to the third round where we met Gary Oaks. We lost that round due to a parts failure....the part between my ears. All in all we were happy about the bike and it looked as though we had the problems ironed out.
2/29/2010 - Firebird International Raceway, Phoenix, AZ
We were all set to start the season but due to unforeseen track problems the race was canceled until a later date to be announced. This actually worked to our favor due to problems with the bike. We left Saturday laddered in the number 2 postion with a .018 reaction time.